Customer LTV Optimisation

Increasing customer lifetime value will sustain revenue generation for your company. By adopting omnichannel marketing techniques such as feedback surveys, value-added content and personalised drip campaigns, meaningful customer communications will enhance customer value.

Increase in revenue


Customer retention and nurturing strategies resulted in a 52% increase in revenue year on year.

Increase in customer lifetime value


Customer LTV increased by 73% through a range of data-led automation and customer nurturing strategies.

Increase in average order value


Average order value increased by 40% thanks to our range of customer retention strategies.

Focus areas

Service/product expansion:

We'll work with your data to put processes and systems in place which will drive customer lifetime value via up-selling and cross-selling related services.

New customer referrals:

Revenue does not stop at the customer. Implement easily shareable offers and rewards process to drive further sign-ups.

References, case studies and feedback:

Value can be realised by most brands in the form of customer reviews, case studies or feedback. We’ll enable this feedback, read more about this in our NPS Playbook.

Communicate consistently:

Early and consistent communication will help you to build your brand in a way that trumps your competitors.


Do your customers value as much as you value them?

Are you maximising your customer lifetime value? Speak to our revenue growth specialists today to discover new ways to generate additional value